Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Anniversary Uno..Part I

Over this past weekend Jon and I got to spoil ourselves in San Diego
to celebrate our big 1 yr. anniversary.

Our first day consisted of waking up at 4:30 am to catch our flight..
and let me just remind you that I'm NOT a morning person.

Once we arrived,
we got our rental car..

this lovely PT Cruiser.
We named it the Silver Bullet.
No further comment.

We then arrived at Sea World,
and let's just say it exceeded all of our expectations.

SHAMU.. SHAMU.. Splash, Splash
I had been chanting this all week just so I was fully prepared.
The crowd loved it!

Jon even got a little too excited.

I got yelled at for lifting the star fish out of the water.
Hopefully it is still alive.

I was a little nervous at first..
then saw all the 3 yr old's around me touching the bat ray's like it was no big deal.

Not so cute..

Ash does this little buddy look familiar?

Jon's favorite animal of the day.
He honestly could have sat there for hours.
Not even exaggerating, unfortunately.

Not too happy about our lunch selection.

The Dolphin Stadium

My favorite part of the day was when Jon totally fell for the dolphin act where the mom falls into the water.
He had no idea she was actually a trainer.
I think he stopped breathing for about 30 sec.
Once again,
not exaggerating.

My personal favorite.

Budweiser Horse.
The biggest thing ever.

Of course everything couldn't have gone perfectly smooth..

we ended the day with a flat tire.

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